3 lessons I’ve learnt from 20 years in Small Business


It would be easy to think – amid today’s hype about digital products and Software as a Service’s disruption of so many industries by startups – that the business world has changed a lot over the 20 years that have elapsed since I penned my first proposal in response to the tentative phone call: “We’ve heard about the world wide web and we think we need one, can you help?” With so much ink spilled over what’s changed over those two decades, I’m surprised at how often I’m reminded of how much has stayed the same. Over my time as a small business leader, there have been three lessons which I learned early, but then had to learn again and again. I set them out here to remind you too.

Lesson 1: The customer isn’t buying your product or service. In startup circles it’s very fashionable to talk about how the customer is paying to solve a problem, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. There are so many ways a customer could solve a given problem, that when they choose to do so by buying your solution, it’s crucial to understand why. It’s almost certain that your product or service wasn’t the only option, so what made them buy from you? Was it the safety and security they get from your reputation, or was it the reputation for innovation that they get from buying “the next big thing”? Are they really buying the product? Or are they trialling it for one of their departments should the rest of the organisation go a different way? Getting to the heart of why customers buy from you is absolutely essential for effective selling.

Lesson 2: You’re not selling your product or service. Depending on how you pitch and deliver your product, you might be selling the promise of repeating the experience that another customer had, or you might be selling something that you are confident you can deliver but that’s not 100 per cent rock solid yet. Or maybe you’re selling the value that you built on the foundations provided by someone else. Whichever it is, your business success depends on understanding how your view matches (or doesn’t match) your customers’, and how your business really works.

Lesson 3: Business relationships are complicated. It’s easy as a small business to work simply: we provide a service, you buy a service, the service gets delivered, the bill gets paid. If you’re selling buns in a market, you might just have a business which is that simple (though it’s not as simple as it sounds!), but if you’re selling to businesses, then it’s more likely that your customer needs your product for a number of reasons, and has various individuals with different political outlooks and different objectives. Your own team will also have various strengths, weaknesses and disagreements about how best to deliver, though various factors can change, like the economy, circumstances and requirements from your relationships. On top of this, your customer’s finance department may seem to be working to some sort of 19th century timetable, where they have until next harvest to pay your bill!

So how do you learn the lessons?

Clear brands, product descriptions and contracts are hard work to create, but worth every penny because your customers can understand you better.

Clear internal procedures and industry standard roles help your team to move fast and do the right thing even when the unexpected happens (come on – you know it will!).

Finally, trust that everything’s going to be OK, and then make sure that it is – monitor your customers’ credit scores and payment performances and don’t accept any excuses for late payment!

by Martin Campbell

Get to know your customers

Today is ‘Get to know your customer day’ – you may think you know your customers, but how well do you really know them?


Who are your customers?
How many do you have? How old are they? Where do they live? Are they mostly female or male?
You’ll probably find that some customers have similar profiles, so group them together and create a ‘persona’ (a typical customer) for each group.
Give each ‘persona’ a name, find a representative picture, write down their age, what job do they do? Where do they work? Where do they live? What are their interests? Why do they need your product or service?
You can use these to focus your copy writing and marketing campaigns, so that you’re speaking their language.

How do your customers interact with your business?
Use all the information you already have, so find out how your customers have found you, what have they bought? How much money do they spend? How often do they come back? How do they use your website? What do they do on your social media channels? (look at the reports in Facebook and Twitter etc)
Ask your customers – what’s working well? What could you do better?
Don’t be afraid to ask!

Take them on a journey
There are customers who you haven’t met yet, there are customers who know you – but you don’t know them (yet), and there are your existing customers.
The customer lifecycle runs through from convincing them to be your customer (acquisition), to retaining their interest and getting them to go beyond making just a single purchase, and keep coming back for more.
Make sure you are giving the best experience possible in all parts of their journey with you – so review each stage and make sure you have a plan for how you’re going to keep them. Look at improving your processes, not just your products.

Get to Know Your Customers Day falls on the third Thursday of the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July and October) so keep building those relationships!